Logistics Partners
Hands Across the Sea has been blessed right from the start with three highly professional, truly philanthropic companies who have fulfilled our mission: Harte-Hanks, Inc., AIT Worldwide Logistics, and Tropical Shipping.
Trucking Angels
AIT Worldwide Logistics is a global, full service transportation management provider serving just about every industry: aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, oil and natural gas, entertainment, fashion (textiles and garments), government, high tech, life sciences, perishables, printed matter, telecommunications, and trade shows. When AIT heard that Hands needed a way to get thousands of pounds of books from Massachusetts to Florida, they connected us to an 18-wheeler. AIT Worldwide has been behind us from the start—we couldn’t fulfill the Hands mission without the truly philanthropic folks at AIT Worldwide.

Warehouse Angels
Harte-Hanks is big—one of the world’s largest marketing fulfillment companies, with 35 locations in the U.S., Europe, and Asia Pacific. Harte-Hanks offers warehousing, customized printing, postage and freight, production handling (pick and pack), process management, compliance, and online ordering services, all on a massive scale. Yes, the company is big—and Harte-Hanks people are big-hearted. Since 2007 they’ve given Hands a corner of a warehouse in their East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, facility for receiving, sorting, and packing the Hands Wish Lists shipments. And Harte-Hanks employees have pitched in to help, too. We simply would not be able to get books to Caribbean kids without the generous assistance of Harte-Hanks.

Ocean Freight Angels
Tropical Shipping is known all over the Eastern Caribbean for their fleet of ships that bring, well, everything to the islands. As a company, Tropical believes in giving back to the region. Their Freestay Caribbean program boosts tourism, and their Hurricane Central team provides first-responder recovery assistance to businesses, individuals, and governments after a catastrophic event. Tropical Shipping, another philanthropic angel, makes sure that every year’s Hands Wish Lists shipment reaches each island—they get everything there fast, and they’ve never lost a single box!