Wishlists 2024

Wishlist 2024

You can give children the gift of new books and library programs this school year!

Libraries and literacy initiatives remain a bright spot for thousands of children in the Eastern Caribbean.

Back to school is just around the corner, and we are excited to launch our fundraising campaign to support schools during the 2024-25 academic year. The enthusiasm for libraries is very high, and the need for new books, education resources, and leadership support the excitement has us working double time. This year we are focusing on four main priorities:

  1. Continue with our signature Caribbean Literacy and School Support (CLASS) program by providing vital books and leadership to sustain and maintain K-12 libraries and literacy gains. The CLASS program supports student librarian programs, library lending/borrowing, Peace Corps Volunteer assignments, student research and examination preparation, and early learning initiatives.
  2. Support struggling learners and remedial readers with special collections of Hi-Interest Low-Level readers and Decodable books which will be available for use and borrowing in school resource centers throughout the region.
  3. Establish the first Special Education Needs collection throughout the region to bridge critical learning and resource gaps for vulnerable children and students with learning disabilities.
  4. Reach the youngest learners (ages 3-5) by scaling the Hands Across the Sea Early Pages Programme (EPP). The EPP is the first Universal Emergent Literacy initiative in the region. The EPP establishes print-rich environments and healthy reading habits for early learners while building family involvement and community participation in early childhood education.

You can change the life of a child, today. Check out the list below to see schools in need of your support this year. Any amount of support helps us to keep young minds and imaginations growing. *If you see a school you would like to adopt or provide for, please write the name of the school in the comments section at checkout.

From summer reading camp to whole-student learning initiatives, Antigua is setting the standard for many of our academic recovery programs in the region. In 2024, we are excited to introduce the Early Pages Programme (EPP) to all of Antigua’s national and partner preschools. We are also eager to extend the Special Needs Libraries and Remedial Reading Sets to schools where active and robust programming is in place but resources are sorely needed to help bridge learning gaps and creative a more wholistic and inclusive library program.

Bendals Primary School

Number of Students: 111
Library Need: Top-up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

A new librarian has seen to it that library periods are assigned and books are well used. Teachers are integrating books to support curriculum and student learning.

Five Islands Primary School

Number of Students: 406
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

Books are well used and need to be replaced. Flooding caused by heavy rains in October 2023 resulted in many books having to be tossed out due to mold and damage. Students are eager to receive titles to support their learning and reading goals.

Jennings Primary School

Number of Students: 191
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

New librarian Mrs. Sharon Maynard has been assigned to library. Library periods are assigned and books are well used, many of which are in a state of disrepair. Additionally, teachers regularly select books to read to their students during assigned library periods. The students also take pleasure in visiting the library daily from 12-1 either to sit and read or to select books for their school research projects. It is such a joy to see their zeal to do so as soon as the bell rings.

Jennings Secondary School

Number of Students: 437
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

New librarian Mrs. Rita Lovelle-Browne is currently assigned to library. The books are old and outdated, many nearly unusable. The library will soon need a complete overhaul and makeover. First through third forms (grades 7-9) are the levels assigned to the library for research purpose and for general reading. The lower school, especially Forms 1 and 2, use the books for a lot of their class and research projects.

New Winthorpes Primary School

Number of Students: 136
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

New librarian Mrs. Serita Joseph has assigned library periods and is using computer systems for book and library recording. The students are time-tabled everyday to use and borrow books. Roughly 65% of the school’s population are boys who gravitate towards certain topics and titles. Peer influence has a big impact on raising excitement for reading at this school.

Ottos Comprehensive Secondary School

Number of Students: 639
Library Need: Top-Up and Special Education Library and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $5,200

There are not enough books in the library for the large student population. Many of the shelves in the library are bare or filled with books that are overly worn in and on their last leg. Librarian Ms. Otto has assigned library periods for Forms 1-3. Students are so eager they are reserving titles in queue.

Pares Primary School

Number of Students: 105
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

The librarian has established monthly themes for the school’s vibrant reading program. All classes are assigned library periods. The librarian conducts regular games to assist with literacy. Students conduct regular oral presentations and reviews of the books they have read. The library is used to support research and curriculum-based classes as well as general learning.

Potters Primary School

Number of Students: 242
Library Need: Rejuvenation and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

New libraraian and a new remedial program are in need of books to support the initiatives. Existing materials were discarded due to damages over time. This school supports a large population

St. Mary’s Secondary School

Number of Students: 225
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

Librarian and library periods are assigned for students Forms 1-3. The school has not received new books in a long time and is eager for an influx of new titles.

Sir Novelle Richards Academy

Number of Students: 215
Library Need: Special Education Library and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,200

Three Special Needs  classrooms are seeking critical resources to support this school’s targeted work with vulnerable students. Sir Novelle Richards Academy has a well-organized program and is closely monitoring the progress of Special Needs students. By providing the SEN collections and Remedial Reading Set, we are helping hundreds of students with their chance to achieve success through learning.

Villa Primary

Number of Students: 355
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

This highly active school serves a very large population of primary students. Any day of the week you can find these children with books in hand to support both curriculum and leisure activities. We are eager to provide new materials and Remedial Sets for both struggling and advancing readers.

Simon Bolivar Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Villa Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Green Bay Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Maria Holder Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Ocean View Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Sir Luther Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Beacon Light Nazarene Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The Early Pages Programme will make its landing in Antigua this year throughout government and government-affiliated schools. These schools will receive books, training, and manuals to support vulnerable youth and early learners. You can create a Print Rich environment for these precious children, today!

Dominica made leaps in 2023 with the introduction of the Early Pages Programme (EPP). We are ecstatic to launch Special Education Needs libraries in Dominica and to bring in renewed Remedial Support for struggling learners. By reaching the most vulnerable children, we are living our commitment to helping ensure communities have thriving and engaged youth to lead and participate today and into the future.

Achievement Learning Centre

Number of Students: 30
Library Need: Special Education Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $800

ALC is a school that provides education and skills training for young people with physical and learning disabilities in a nurturing environment that fosters success and independence for their students. A small staff manages the facility, and classes are held Monday through Friday for students ages 4 through 18 years. Students who have aged out are always welcomed back to participate and assist. The goal of the school is to help students achieve their own level of independence.

Arthur Waldron SDA Academy

Number of Students: 246
Library Need: New Library and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $5,600

This secondary school lost its roof and library during Hurricane Maria. Recovery has been ongoing, and the school is now fully prepared and eager to once again focus on their library. The space is vast yet sparse and includes computers for CSEC exams but is desperately lacking in books. The school has a very good academic record and has a small remedial program and a library team ready to get collections into action.

Bellevue Chopin Primary

Number of Students: 54
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

Bellevue Chopin Primary School’s goal is to equip students with relevant skills, strategies, and learning resources in order to produce proficient readers and critical thinkers. New and relevant texts are needed in order to provide students with learning opportunities and to maintain motivation as the school pursues their literacy and education goals.

Colihaut Primary School

Number of Students: 34
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

The Colihaut Primary School is seeking generous support to replenish and expand its library collection. Many of their current books are outdated or damaged, limiting the variety of reading materials available to students. In the past, books have played a vital role in improving literacy skills, sparking a love of learning, and boosting academic performance. Principal Mrs. Margerly George-Joseph and NEP librarian Ms. Nakia Ross are ready to lead.

Convent High School

Number of Students: 480
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,600

Convent High School is run under highly motivated leadership and a very invested school board. An infusion of new titles is needed to support their continued efforts to build back their library post-Maria and to increase literacy and reading motivation amongst students.

Grand Bay Primary School

Number of Students: 200
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

A leak in the roof of Grand Bay resulted in damanges to resources, including library books. The roof is now repaired, and this school’s very strong reading program is in need of some new titles to support learning for these young readers.

Isulukati Special Education School

Number of Students: 47
Library Need: Special Education Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $800

Located in the indigenous Kalinago community, this special needs school has excellent teachers and invested families. The school provides vital skills support for an often neglected segment of the community. New books will be treasured and well utilized by students with learning and developmental disabilities.

Kelleb John Laurent Primary School

Number of Students: 150
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

A very good reading program needs new titles to help increase the number of students who are reading.

Northeast Comprehensive Secondary School

Number of Students: 333
Library Need: Rejuvenation and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

Library space is continuously being worked on as a part of the long recovery from Hurricane Maria. Library teacher is highly motivated to continue reviving the program. A very modest collection exists, but there is a great need for popular teen titles to raise interest. Student teams are helping to cull and sort collections, and the school is working on rejuvenating the space. Young Adult and Remedial collections will support these enduring efforts greatly.

Pierre Charles Secondary School

Number of Students: 304
Library Need: Top-Up and Special Education Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

To keep the high interest in reading, Pierre Charles’ Principal has requested books for her very large student population. Many students are personally requesting fresh since they have been reading the same books over again.

Roosevelt Douglas Primary School

Number of Students: 304
Library Need:  Rejuvenation and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

The school has a solid reading culture promoted by the staff and their Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV). Their collection is well-worn, well-used and appreciated. The school is in a catchment area with a large population. Maintaining & expanding their reading culture benefits the students not just into secondary school but for the future employment prospectives through strengthened critical thinking.

Roseau Primary School

Number of Students: 150
Library Need: Rejuvenation and Special Education Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

Grade 5 teacher Ms. St. Rose has taken over the library, and armed with her students, they have been sorting, culling and organizing their collection and rejuvenating the library space and lending. In addition, they have brought Read Alouds to the classrooms including the attached pre-school, and have successfully encouraged parents to come and volunteer for Read Alouds. The lending rates are improving. The school’s SEN programme is 10 years old working with the students to prepare them for the National Assessment exams. SEN specific books would provide a good boost.

San Sauveur Primary School

Number of Students: 45
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

This is a small area school in a remote fishing village serving the 3 villages. The library is supported by a a motivated principal and could use a top-up with a focus on more books for boys and some exciting reference books. A more well-stocked library would provide great support to their literacy activities.

Western SDA Primary School (formerly St. Joseph SDA Primary School)

Number of Students: 92
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

The School has an thriving library and reading program; Students are constantly borrowing books, but they need fresh titles. Principal Mrs. Mills ensures that every day that there is an hour for DEAR – (Drop Everything and Read). There is an improvement in the students’ overall reading, literacy.

Wills Strathmore Stevens Primary School

Number of Students: 122
Library Need: Rejuvenation and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

Water damage from Hurricane Maria rendered the library space off-limits, but Principal Ms. Alexander has fought hard to get the library back up and furnished after the school was repaired and renovated. With the help of their Peace Corps Volunters (PCVs), the collections have been sorted, culled, and organized in prep for the upcoming school year. Their nascent remedial reading program includes pull-out sessions for students needing additional support. The principal looks forward to a robust reboot of these vital programs.

Woodford Hill Primary School

Number of Students: 81
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The school’s remedial reading program works with the lowest 10% of the school’s readers through peronalized daily reading activities. This year’s students -ranging from grades 2 through 6- had improvements in their reading level, confidence, and grade performance.

Grenada is home to the Early Pages Programme (EPP) and has been quickly integrating preschool literacy into larger education goals for the country. The Ministry, local educators, and even the local commercial community are engaged with this program, and parental participation continues to exceed our greatest expectations. We are proud and delighted to add these addition 8 schools to the bustling EPP in Grenada this year.

Red wave

St. Theresa’s RC Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The school principal is a caring and dedicated leader. She takes and uses Hands’ expertise, support, and education advice for benefit the overall success of all students.

St. Dominic’s RC Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

An energetic and innovative Teacher-in-charge brings a wealth of experience modeling preschool excellence. This curriculum-focused school is ready to embrace the Early Pages Programme.

St.Joseph’s RC Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

Teachers recently received leadership training under the regional PEARL Initiative which Hands supports. Through these trainings, teachers completed Phonemic Awareness assignments and were also sensitized to the importance of parental involvement in preschool education. This energetic group is prepared and ready to launch an Early Pages Programme in their school.

St. Martin de Porres Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

This is the largest preschool in the district, attached to the largest primary school in the district. The principal is very passionate about achieving success in education and is an easy and good collaborator.

St. John’s Anglican Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

St. John’s Anglican preschool is the largest preschool in its parish and is the only school not yet in the program. It is attached to the Primary school which is considered to be one of the top school and preferred primary schools. The inclusion of the preschool in the program can be a platform for greater success for all students.

St. Mary’s Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

The preschool is attached to the primary and the primary School has a functional library and the preschool is timetabled to attend the library. The attached primary school received the Hands Across the Sea Literacy Award in 2018.

St. Ann’s Rose Hill Infant School

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

This preschool serves the rural community of Rose Hill. The students are in dire need of literacy support as well as improved parental involvement. Teacher Eulette McNeilly oversees this school which goes up to grade 1.

Victoria Preschool

Library Need: Preschool Library and Early Pages Programme
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

This standalone preschool is one of three in the Parish of St. Mark where neighboring schools already have the program in place. The school’s incoming acting teacher-in-Charge will be committed and eager to start the program this year.

Saint Kitts and Nevis schools will be receiving a sprinkle of everything this school year. Library upgrades are overdue at several schools, and we are also looking forward to bringing in new Remedial Reading Sets for school resource centers to help bridge learning gaps for struggling readers. One additional preschool will be joining the Early Pages Programme (EPP) in the Federation this year, as well.

Cecele Brown Integrated School

Number of Students: 25
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

This library program has just begun. Last year, Hands provided a Special Needs collection, helping to jump-start this school’s vital programming. There is an experienced library worker, Ms.Tameca Wells, who came out of Specisl Needs herself and is now working hard and giving back. She worked at the Public library for 20 years and was transferred to this school specifically to set up the library. Ms. Wells has accessioned the books on the computer and works well with the teachers and students. The Supervisor of the school, Mrs. Jennifer Liburd, displays strong leadership skills and uses a team approach.

Elizabeth Pemberton Primary School

Number of Students: 69
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

Ms.Sharon Liburd is an experienced library teacher who is leading this school to success. A Student Librarians Program is active, and the school has a well-used resource section for teachers. There are various literacy activities held throughout the calendar year, and book displays are created to honor specific occassions. Some old and worn out books were culled, so there are empty spaces on the shelves.

Ivor Walters Primary School

Number of Students: 197
Library Need: K-6 Top-Up. Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

Mrs. June Thompson is an experienced library teacher, who worked at the Public Library prior to joining Ivor Walters. She has a helper, Ms. David. Students and teachers both use the library. Whole school Literacy activities are done, and good records are kept.Some books were damaged so there are empty spaces on the shelves.

St. Thomas’ Primary School

Number of Students: 154
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

There is an experienced Library Teacher Ms. Julitta Parris and helper, Ms.Farrel. The Student Librarian Program is in place, and the school maintains a variety of literacy activities involving the whole school e.g. book reviews and reports, spelling bee, and quizzes.

Saddlers Primary School

Number of Students: 102
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

The Saddlers Primary School has been reorganizing its library and has not received books for a very long time. The Librarian Kaieteur Rubaine is ready to receive new books to motivate the students to read.

Seventh Day Adventist Primary School

Number of Students: 285
Library Need: New Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,900

The Seventh Day Adventist school is a private co-ed primary school with two classes per grade. The school has reorganised a space for a school library and has requested assistance from Hands Across the Sea. The principal is working on re-organizing the school’s timetable to allow each class to have one library session per week for visiting, reading, and borrowing books.

Precious Gems Preschool

Library Need: New Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

Precious Gems received the gift of new books in 2020 and has been eagerly awaiting their chance to join the Early Pages Programme. The school’s leadership is ready, and we are too! Adopt this school, today!

This year, high performance Saint Lucia schools can look forward to a necessary book injection. All of these schools will receive new general matriculation books as well as Special Needs Collections to pair with the Ministry’s focused efforts on inclusive learning. We are glad to do our part to help educators reach and teach every student. 

Dark blue waves

Banse la Grace Combined School

Number of Students: 99
Library Need: K-6 Top-Up, Special Education Needs Collection, Remedial Reading Set
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,300

Principal Mrs. Irene Emmanual is supported by a Peace Corps Volunteer to oversee the spacious and thriving library. Students with special needs, struggling readers, and general students alike are eager for new titles and materials to support their enthusiasm for learning.

Bexon Infant School

Number of Students: 115
Library Need: K-2 Rejuvenation, Special Education Needs Collection
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

An established library is overseen by Principal Mrs. Waltrude Brown. Lendind during Covid ensured reading continuity for students, but new titles are needed to support general and special needs learners.

La Croix Maingot Combined School

Number of Students: 123
Library Need: K-6 NEW, Special Education Needs Collection
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $5,700

Ms. Christina Norley has overseen a complete renovation of the library which caters to general and special needs students. It has been 8 years since this school has received new books, and yet they have continued to thrive -even through Covid lockdowns. New collections and special needs books are urgently needed to kick off a successful library re-launch.

Micoud Primary School

Number of Students: 347
Library Need: K-6 Rejuvenation, Special Education Needs Collection
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

This rural school library is run by Ms. Fern Donnelly and her Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV). New books will support their large student roll as well as vulnerable boys and special needs students.

Odsan Combined School

Number of Students: 173
Library Need: K-6 Rejuvenation, Special Education Needs Collection
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

Miss Charmaine Pierre made sure her students continued to read through Covid, but these years later students are in need of new titles and fresh materials. Special needs collections are also necessary.

Vieux Fort Primary School

Number of Students: 199
Library Need: 3-6 Rejuvenation, Special Education Needs Collection, Remedial
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $5,200

Mr. Francis Moonie leads this motivated school where the lives of so many students have been transformed by the library. New titles will urgently support special needs, remedial reading, and student librarian programs.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have experienced great hardship at the hands of natural disaster over the past several years. Many students have experienced critical learning gaps that could significantly impact their future. We are building back libraries in schools where it is overdue, while also focusing on Remedial Reading Sets for Secondary School students who need extra care and attention to get and keep their education on track. 

Adelphi Secondary School

Number of Students: 203
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

This school hasn’t receive books from Hands in nearly a decade. The school has a committed Remedial Reading teacher who coordinates a program with struggling readers. There is also a permanent librarian at the school and a supportive Language Department.

Bequia Community High School

Number of Students: 135
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

The school is engaged in a remedial reading program for struggling readers from Form 1-3. The remedial reading kit provided by Hands some years ago has become very worn due to frequent use and there is a scarcity of appropriate resources for reading practice. In Form 1 and 2 there are 25 students who have 3 remedial reading sessions per week where they are grouped according to their ability. A top-up collection of general books will enhance the small supply that they have and create greater interest in reading among students.

Bethel High School

Number of Students: 574
Library Need: Rejuvenation and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

There is an organized remedial reading programme with very dedicated teachers at this school. The Literacy team is very concerned about such a large group and are working hard to give extra lessons to help these students acquire basic reading skills. They believe that engaging struggling students in reading books that suit their interests and level is very important at this crucial stage. The library is stocked with outdated, yellowed and worn books. It has been more than 8 years since this school received new books. Fresh titles would help to motivate students to go to the library more, and cooks to support lower-level readers would enhance and sustain the remedial reading program.

Buccament Bay Secondary School

Number of Students: 232
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,600

This a rural school with students facing steep economic challenges. Many of these students are underperforming academically, are struggling in literacy, and are demotivated. Targeted books for are desperately needed for the remedial reading program to support students engaging in deviant behaviors and on the verge of dropping out due to poor performance. With targeted materials and more resources, the school will have greater means to improve student outcomes for vulnerable youth.

Cane End Govt School

Number of Students: 106
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

The principal is very passionate about raising literacy at her school and students are excited to borrow books. There is a good lending system in place and all classes are time tabled to borrow. However, most of the books are worn from constant use and some were destroyed by termites. The school does very well at CPEA each year and is considered a model school that values the library. There is a YES worker (apprentice) librarian who does a good job and is stationed who is ready to inspire and lead.

Emmanuel High School

Number of Students: 700
Library Need: Top-Up
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,600

This school has a sound Remedial Reading program that caters to more than 300 students. Sessions are scheduled 3 times per week, with several teachers working with the students. The program is under-resourced and there is a great need for additional materials to boost the program and create greater results. The school is located in a rural community and most of the students who attend there are from low-income homes whose parents cannot afford to buy extra reading material to improve the literacy level of the students.

George Stephens Senior Secondary

Number of Students: 350
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

A very dedicated Head of Department, Mrs. Hackshaw, works with remedial readers to improve literacy levels at the school. She has an organized program and continues to use past donated Hands Remedial materials along with a few low level books in hew sessions. The resources on hand are old, worn out, and in constant use. More than 50 percent of the incoming Form 1 students have scored below grade level for reading. – some who are struggling even with basic alphabet skills Suitable materials are needed to support vital reading intervention.

Intermediate High School

Number of Students: 350
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

This school caters to low-income homes. Vulnerable students are struggling with academic performance, especially in the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy. Teachers work hard and make use of whatever resources they can find in order to help the students. Fresh titles including low-level high-interest books will support performance and increase motivation.

Lodge Village Government School

Number of Students: 385
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

This school also has not received new books for more than8 years. The current library collections are not child-friendly and are outdated, The lack of appeal and discoloration of books has many students detered from atending the library. Students need new books to support their exit exams, reports, general academics, and leisure reading.

Mountain View Adventist Academy

Number of Students: 260
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

There is a remedial reading program at the school for the lower forms. The new school year will bring scheduled discussion between staff and parents who are committed to offering more individualized help for students who have reading difficulties. Students have access to the library, but there is a lack of books that are suitable to the needs of the remedial groups. Students lose interest when they cannot read the higher-level books. The Remedial Reading teacher is requesting some books that are appropriate for such students.

North Union Secondary School

Number of Students: 395
Library Need: Rejuvenation and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $4,400

There is an organized remedial reading programme that Mrs. Small Daniel manages.The trend continues every year where there is an intake of students with reading deficits. The school was used as an emergency shelter in 2021 during the volcanic eruption and many of the library books were well used during that time and must now be replaced. The Remedial Reading teacher has requested reading resources that will help to motivate students to want to read more. We look forward to providing necessary remedial and student-friendly materials for this well-kept library.

Paget Farm Government School

Number of Students: 156
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

These students have a passion for reading which is ignited by the teachers of the school. Each class also has a library activity corner where they can go and read for pleasure. Grade 4 and 6 students use the library to support book reports for their exit exams. Students also borrow books to take home to read.T he main challenge the library has is the scarcity of books to meet the demand for reading. The students have read most of the books, while some of the books are old, turning yellow, and have sustained heavy damages. New books will keep students motivated and engaged.

Park Hill Government School

Number of Students: 120
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $3,600

The school was infested with termites and most of the books sustained substantial damage and had to be discarded. Remaining books were placed in classroom libraries and have been well used and are now thoroughly worn out. New library shelves have been installed, the wooden windows were replaced with louvres, and the floor has been re-painted. This beautiful space is ready, but it lacks books. A donation of to the library will restore students’ interest and re-ignite their love for reading.

Sandy Bay Secondary School

Number of Students: 233
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,400

There is a serious reading problem among the younger students. The English Department is working on a remedial plan to give more individual help and support to these students. The school previously had a Hands remedial kit, but it was destroyed during the volcanic eruption in 2021. Presently, there are just a handful of books, most of which are beyond the reading level of these students. The school observes a 15-minute silent reading session in the afternoon, but because of the lack of storybooks, most students end up reading from their textbooks. The principal is requesting any reading resources that they can use to support their remedial reading program. Some new books that are appropriate for lower-level students will help to generate interest for this group of struggling learners.

School for Children with Special Needs Kingstown

Number of Students: 64
Library Need: Special Education Library
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $800

All of the students who attend this school suffer from some form of learning disability and they are differently abled. The program offered at the school requires resources that support the students in achieving their personal best. However, most of the resources are lacking and help is needed to source them. A donation of special needs collections will go a long way in providing the quality education that these students and families rely on.

Sion Hill Government School

Number of Students: 146
Library Need: Rejuvenation
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,700

Just as the school was in the process of relocating the library to a more spacious location, a flood occurred resulting in many books having to be discarded. The teacher used many of these now-discarded books to develop the literacy skills of younger students and to support book reports and research for older students. A donation of resources to replenish the loss suffered by the flood will greatly enhance the library so they may continue their hard work and efforts

St. Clair Dacon Secondary School

Number of Students: 320
Library Need: Top-Up and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $2,500

There are many students with reading difficulties at the school who need individual instruction. Although teachers try their best to meet them at their level, there are very little reading resources to support the remedial reading program. Teachers have to rely on textbooks for practice sessions. There are plans to work on a Literacy Centre and a top up of appropriate, new titles would help to motivate this group of students to spend more time reading for enjoyment.

School for Children with Special Needs Georgetown

Number of Students: 20
Library Need: Special Education Library and Remedial Reading Sets
Cost to fund for the 2024-25 School Year: $1,600

Most of the books on the shelves are old and yellowed. Those that are frequently used are worn, torn and in a state of disrepair. Teachers find it difficult to get reading material that are suitable to the needs of these special group of students. An injection of new, appropriate titles will make storytime easier for the hardworking staff and also generate more interest for students in reading.

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