Antigua and Barbuda

Population: 99,532

103 Library Programs
72,782 New Books

Antigua and Barbuda

Pares Primary School

120 students • Grades K to 6
Lois Drew, Principal
Verlyn Hector, Librarian

Reaching Out to Parents. Wow! The lending library at Pares Primary School (120 students, Grades K to 6) is a success! The library space is modest in size, but the reach is wide and deep: the school has a Student Librarian program, and 75% of the student population are active members of the library. “The library has expanded the students’ view of the world around them,” says Principal Lois Drew (at left in photo). “For students who might not have access to enough books to satisfy their hunger for reading, the school library satiates this need. As someone who is addicted to reading, I am delighted that we have a successful school library at Pares Primary.”

Central to the library’s success is the Librarian, Miss Verlyn Hector, who in addition to encouraging students to read and borrow books, and helping teachers to utilize library resources in their lesson, has reached out to parents and community members to broaden the impact of the library. At Pares Primary School, reading success extends beyond the school and into the homes of the students.

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